2nd Half Delete & Re-Tag
If a user wants to delete a current set of tags and Re Tag that portion of video here are steps to retain a selection of tags to Re Tag a portion of video.
- In Organize, create a playlist for the first half or desired segment you wish to keep tags for. Drag the clips you wish to keep into that playlist: in this example it is the first half of Offense and Defense tags, which runs clip 1-52 in the Offense Playlist and 1-53 in Defense. Sort this playlist by start time.
- Select the section and export to CSV (Organize Drop Down menu > select Export to CSV)
- Go to the tag tab and delete out the categories and tags you wish to remove. In this example that would be the Offense and Defense categories.
- Now, the user can go into File > Import > Tags from CSV and select the file you exported.
- Users can now Re Tag the portion they wish while retaining the information tagged for the first half. Tag colors are NOT currently stored in the CSV or XML export, so will return to default.
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