How to Tag Video
Ensure the videos you want to tag have been added to the project and that the Tag Categories, Lags, Labels and Tagging Hot Keys have been set. Please see the following articles for more information:
Navigate to the Tag Tab to begin tagging your video.
As you scroll through or play the video, press the corresponding hot key to create a Tag. A Dialogue box will appear once the hot key has been pressed. In the 'Tags' box type in any existing Tag for a preset Tag to be added or type in a new Tag and hit enter to automatically generate this Tag under a New Tag Category.
Add a comment to the 'Comment' box and rate the clip out of three stars. Click OK when you are done with the Tag.
If you created an interval Tag, click the pause button to end the interval Tag and to pause the video.
A great feature of Vision is that you can continue to scroll through the timeline as the dialogue box is open in case you need to check a players’ number, etc. -
If Labels have been set up for this Tag or if you want to apply a Global Label to the Tag, click the 'Tagging' tab beside 'Project Clips'.
Click any Global Label to apply it to the Tag. Global labels will be available for every Tag that is created.
Below the Global Labels and Shortcuts, you will find the Labels box. The Labels found here are only available if the Label has been applied to the Tag. To scroll through the Labels, click the < or > button. Type or click from a predetermined list the Label you want to apply and then click the check mark in the bottom right corner to apply the Tag. Click the x in the bottom left corner to remove the Label.
Managing Tags from the Project Clips Area
Once you have created your tags you can view the quantity and duration of video for each Tag from the Project Clips Area on the left hand side of the Video Window.
To change the color of a Tag double click the Tag in the Project Clips Box. Click the solid color box to select a default color or click the sphere to select a custom color. Click OK.
To add a new Tag Category click '+ Category' in the bottom left corner of the Project Clips Area.
To add a new Tag select the Tag category that you want the Tag to be under and then click '+Tag" in the bottom left corner of the Project Clips Area.
To delete a Tag or Tag Category select the Tag or Tag category from the Project Clips area and click the '-' button in the bottom right corner of the Project Clips area.
To rename a Tag or Tag Category click on the Tag or Tag category and press Enter.
To move a Tag to another Tag Category or to move Tag Categories click what you want to move and drag it to where you want to move it.
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