ATTENTION: MacOS Mojave (10.14.x) is no longer supported.
Builds are not backwards compatible. Please update all Macs to the same version to transfer Packages between computers.
Supported MacOS:
- Big Sur (11. or greater)
- MacOS Catalina (10.15 or greater)
Catapult Vision Quick Start Guide:
Vision 4.0.2 Patch Release Notes
- Vision 4.0.2 is a patch build that addresses a few areas of code that has been proven to sometimes make Tagging sluggish during a Live Capture.
- Vision is now more efficiently handling memory as we have identified and fixed a scenario which could cause a memory leak during Live Capture and Tagging.
- Vision is now more efficiently using CPU power during Live Capture and Tagging.
- Vision is now more efficiently using CPU power and memory when using Tag Review.
Vision 4.0.0+ Release Notes
- Animated Annotations
- Vision 4.0.0 introduces functionality to animated certain annotations! The first set of primitives users can animate are the following: Player icon, Player Link, Text, and Spotlight.
- Users will also noticed that the Annotation Properties card also now shows a Duration.
- Leaving the duration at 0 will treat the annotation set as a static annotation. This is the same as it has been, wherein a playlist will run to the annotation point, then stop, allowing for a teaching point to be made, and continue on when the user takes action to do so.
- There are 2 ways to increase/decrease the duration of an annotation set, creating an animated annotation. Either method will move the video forward to the extended time.
- Users can use the up arrow on the duration box on the properties card to extend the animation duration.
- Users can hold Command and tap the Right Arrow key to extend the animation duration.
- With this in mind, here is a brief example of how to create a simple Animated Annotation of a Player Icon following a player. In the example, you'll notice I took the following steps:
- Clicked Edit to create an annotation set
- Added a Player Icon
- Moved, resized, and masked my Player Icon
- Added duration and moved my Player Icon to set keyframes, allowing the Player Icon to move along the duration set (which you see building along the play's timeline in the video player).
- Clicked Edit to close my annotation set tools
- Played back the video, showing the Animated Annotation
- With this in mind, here is a brief example of how to create a simple Animated Annotation of a Player Icon following a player. In the example, you'll notice I took the following steps:
- Plays with Animated Annotations added are supported through the QuickTime Export process. However, Animated Annotations are not supported on the Athlete app at this time. A future enhancement will allow for this workflow.
- A Knowledge Base/FAQ article for Animated Annotations is coming soon! Link will be here once completed.
Bug Fixes/Enhancements
- Added preventative code around a crash found internally.
- Fixed an issue that could cause rare issues opening older projects in new builds of Vision.
- Fixed an issue that could cause cells in a playlist to become unresponsive.
- MacOS Mojave (10.14.x) is no longer supported!
Contact your Catapult Sports representative for your license key.
If you are new to Vision, or just want more info, please check out the Getting Started with Vision checklist.
If you have any questions, please contact
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